Main points
* Many verbs are followed by an `-ing' clause.
* Some verbs are followed by an object and an `-ing' clause that describes what the object is doing.
1 Many verbs are followed by an `-ing' clause. The subject of the verb is also the subject of the `-ing' clause. The `-ing' clause begins with an `-ing' form. The most common of these verbs are:
* verbs of saying and thinking
admit, consider, deny, describe, imagine, mention, recall, suggest
He denied taking drugs.
I suggested meeting her for a coffee.
Note that all of these verbs except for `describe' can also be followed by a `that'-clause. See Unit 76.
He denied that he was involved.
* verbs of liking and disliking
adore, detest, dislike, dread, enjoy, fancy, like, love, mind, resent
Will they enjoy using it?
I don't mind telling you.
`Like' and `love' can also be followed by a `to'-infinitive clause. See Unit 71.
* other common verbs
I've just finished reading that book.
Avoid giving any unnecessary information.
* common phrasal verbs
burst out, carry on, end up, give up, go round, keep on, put off, set about
She carried on reading.
They kept on walking for a while.
Note that some common phrases can be followed by an `-ing' clause.
can't helpcan't standfeel like
I can't help worrying.
2 After the verbs and phrases mentioned above, you can also use `being' followed by a past participle.
They enjoy being praised.
I dislike being interrupted.
After some verbs of saying and thinking, you can use `having' followed by a past participle.
Michael denied having seen him.
3 `Come' and `go' are used with `-ing' clauses to describe the way that a person or thing moves.
They both came running out.
It went sliding across the road out of control.
`Go' and `come' are also used with `-ing' nouns to talk about sports and outdoor activities. See Unit 56.
Did you say they might go camping?
4 Some verbs can be followed by an object and an `-ing' clause. The object of the verb is the subject of the `-ing' clause.
It is hard to imagine him existing without it.
He left them making their calculations.
Note that `prevent' and `stop' are often used with `from' in front of the `-ing' clause.
I wanted to prevent him from seeing that.
Most verbs of perception can be followed by an object and an `-ing' clause or a base form. See Unit 72.
I saw him riding a bicycle.
I saw a policeman walk over to one of them.
See also Unit 94 for `-ing' clauses after nouns.
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